Sunday, January 10, 2010


I love movies.

If you haven't noticed that, then you haven't read my blogs or haven't even talked to me in person coz I'm always in the theaters.

It's great that this week, I was able to see 5 movies. Yes. 5. 

sequenced with short comments...

I love You, Goodbye - pretty nice. At least it had a proper flow unlike the chopped jumps in some Pinoy movies
Shake Rattle and Roll XI - was very disappointed coz I was expecting at least one funny-scary story but there was none.
Zombieland - hilarious. Metallica song in the intro... Perfect.
The Rebound - pretty ok. If they didn't market it much like a cougar movie, it may have passed as a "cute" love story
Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 - had low expectations thinking it was a kiddie movie but was thoroughly entertained by it :)

So that's my movie week for you guys!


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