Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Live A Now Life...

I admit, I sometimes tend to procrastinate on things. 

Over the holidays, I saw this shirt from my cousin which read, "I'll procrastinate later." I loved that shirt cuz it was witty and I've never seen one before. 

I've made that quality decision this year to be a "now" person and do what I can and not set it for later. It's funny how I decided to do all the things I have and listed it down in a to do list. It's been too overwhelming that my body suddenly showed its stress blisters once my mind recorded all my to do's. 

Blisters aside, I suggest that we all could make a little change in doing things now and not wait if you can do it sooner. I'm preaching to myself as well so we're all in this. No need for drastic changes. Small steps can go a long way. 

I never imagined I'll end up consistently blogging!


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