Friday, January 8, 2010

For A Change

I've always loved cars since I was a kid. Seriously addicted to it. But then I found music. I also had unfortunate events/frustrations in my life back then that turned me away from ever wanting a nicer car or whatever. I guess it's also coz of the fact that we couldn't afford the nicer cars... Not even a low end brand new one. And so I gave it all into music. It became not just a hobby but also my work. Eventually, music somehow lost a bit of it's magic. Now I'm thinking of getting back to my love of automobiles and direct my attention to it and stop looking at what guitar to buy next or check out. For a change, I feel it'll be a refreshing shift to revive that passion for cars and rides. It might be helpful. I just fear that i'm shifting to something more expensive than what I was initially into. What can I do to get into it? Learn racing? Repairs? restore?

What passion of yours do you need to revisit?


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