Monday, November 16, 2009

My Online Radio Broadcast

It's the first ever online radio broadcast I've done and I must say I pretty much am enjoying it. 

Just a few things to sort out like how to integrate a mic so I can do some introductions or even greetings to my handful of listeners. Like handful... mga 5! hahaha

And another thing is sorting out how to prepare it next time for a live performace broadcast. Yup, you read that right. I'll do one soon once I figure this thing out.

At the moment, it's all just playing straight from my player into your speakers online. 

And to document this, I played Adam Freeland, Plump DJ's, Dave Spoon, Mauro Picotto, an exclusive silverfilter remix which nobody else has heard before since I just finished writing it the other day, and a few more. I'm limited for one hour shows now, which is not a bad thing. 

I'm really getting excited about this. I feel like making an intro and outro like radio stinger for this hahaha

We'll see! Thanks for everyone who tuned in! 

God bless


s i l v e r f i l t e r

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