Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reason Combinator... the non-musical side.

Reason Combinator is one of the modules inside of Reason. It is the only one editable and so lots of refills have their own take on it.

Months back, I came across the template used for it and I forgot about it.  An hour ago, one of my friends asked if I could design his lates refill and so I was back Googling on how and where I can get that template. Finally, I found it. It took me a while but to you graphics guys who are also into music, you might find this useful. So here you go...

1. Go to Reason/Template Documents/Combi Backdrops
- in this directory will be a Readme file with directions, a Photoshop template and a JPEG template.

2. Edit one of the templates and save it somewhere else.

3. Create a Combinator with a custom patch in Reason. (I made a Five Meter Grand Piano modified with a sweet delay).

4. With the Combinator selected, choose "Select Backdrop" from the Edit menu.

5. Select your custom template.

6. Save the Combinator patch with a new name.

Credits: from this link http://www.bwacksforum.com/forums/archive/index.php4?t-3914.html

Posted via email from silverfilter living

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