Thursday, June 17, 2010

Studio Updates

Well, with all the cement, dust and steel lying around, there really isn't much to say but the little changes...

To avoid future problems with the neighbors (not like they'll say anything), we had to create new posts to rest the beams on instead on the shared firewall, which we both use. I wanted a new wall to be constructed but it seems like it'll cost a whole lot more so the new posts will suffice... and since the new posts were placed today, I was able to see the corners of the recording area already. It's not much but I got excited. It's enough to fit a large drum kit so I'm happy. I'm hoping we could do our band rehearsals in that room from now on... drums, amps and all. Yeah! 

Been going over the drawn up plans as well and it really makes me excited even if it's just a bunch of lines. Knowing that the contractors I got for the structure (care of bernice) are REALLY goooood, I'm confident in the result of the studio. They usually do millionaire houses so I was telling them this one's a breather for them coz it's such a small scale project hahaha

Anyway, that's it for now. Looking forward to the 1st month update!!! hehe I was told it'll take them 2 months so let's see. Time to save up for aircon haha


Posted via web from silverfilter living

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