Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday's Gig At Boni High Street w The String Quartet

It's just now that I was able to have time to write about what happened last saturday. This'll be not as detailed.

The show was great! I really liked it. Like I mentioned a few days back, the strings breathed a whole other life into the remixes, which was quite refreshing. It actually went beyond my expectations. At least that's a good thing. 

As usual, there were little errors that I have to mention because of the perfectionist in me... 
- with a little misunderstanding, I was told NOT to have dead air. After our first song, I waited till the applause died and then I proceeded to the next song... not knowing that my string section was still flipping their score sheets onto the next song. They literally missed a whole stanza coz they weren't able to count on time with my beginning. I really felt bad. I didn't want to stop it coz half of them played along already and we were already rolling. I made adjustments after that first applause... hehe

- I hated my ending. I usually end with a big one but I guess I'm just beating myself up too much but I really hated my ending. It wasn't big, it wasn't grand... it was weird. I don't know why I took that direction. Since I was using ableton, it was impossible for my kicks to sound out of sync coz I was locked in and I actually did the reverse and used my effects to sound like I was drifting hahaha It was indeed weird. Totally regret experimenting on the spot. But I guess that's partly what playing Live is all about.

Overall, it was a great night. I had fun... and there are 2 more Saturdays to come. I shall definitely NOT repeat those and make it a point to end big.



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