Monday, April 5, 2010

I'll Be Seeing You John Mayer!

Just paid and reserved our seats for the upcogin John Mayer concert at the Channel V office yesterday. 

I was on my way leaving Alabang when my friend Adah texted me telling me she was at the office and that they "ran out" of tickets. I honestly don't know and didn't bother to ask how that could happen but it did. I decided to still head there and at least pay and finally reserve our seats. I'm glad I did. 

Rows A-G (front) are all reserved for the sponsors (lucky) and H onwards start for the public Platinum. When I got there, it was obvious there were a lot of early birds that it was already up in row K (VERY few) and L onwards. I took L even if it was behind K since the K seats available were right next to the gold area already. Not worth it. So Row L. Not bad... not bad at all. It's just 12 rows back and that's NEAR! So I'm pretty happy with the seats I got and it's in the middle right smack in front of John probably or maybe in line in the direction off center but in front of his guitar effects? hehe

I honestly wish I could get my John Mayer strat signed by the man himself but I don't know how that could happen. I just feel being one of the very few owners of the guitar in the country, maybe they'd make an exception to at least get our guitars signed. oh well... I just thank God he's doing a show in the Philippines and I'm gonna get to see it!


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