Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Long Day...

Thursdays is caregroup day or commonly known as bible study for everyone. I recently changed my routine and I simply just take a nap from the previous day to be able to make it on time. I realized every time I take a full sleep, I usually arrive late. Problem with the naps is that I need full rest after that since technically, I'm still up from the previous day, right? Sounds easy to just go home and sleep but with the heat these days, it's something else... really something else. But today, it didn't affect me. I was so wasted, I slept through the heat. 

I woke up early afternoon reading a text from a client following up on an ad I'm doing so I had to get up and work on it immediately. It was a blessing the idea was approved so I didn't have to redo the whole thing because I had to prepare and leave to go to a friends house...

I had to drive to a friend's house coz he needed help recording voice for an AVP for his dad's awarding ceremony. It was a quick visit then I was off after recording and rendering. 

After that I swung by starbucks in alabang to pick up a check from another client for a song I'm doing. This was on my way home because I had jamming...

Got home, jammed and enjoyed every minute of it. It's my new silverfilter band and I was very happy to hear for myself how those electronic songs I wrote sound in a band setting... bliss.

Jam ended midnight as usual and I was off to grab dinner.

Now I'm just blogging and I guess from all the work today, I guess I deserve to rest? Perhaps a movie...


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