Monday, February 15, 2010

February Project Album

So far I've got 4 songs arranged already. 5 songs with drums and bass. Vocals
last for all of them.

This rpm challenge is honestly a GREAT exercise. If I don't make it for the rpm
challenge like for the site, on a personal level, this really helped me.

It stretched me to JUST WRITE without any excuses and it really forced me to.

And right now, aside from the challenge of coming up with 10 tunes or 35 mins of
music, I extended the challenge on my end to just do everything in props'

The line6 rack on it kinda sucks so it's proving to be more of a challenge but
it's one of those challenges that make you work and make do with what you have.

I could use logic and guitar rig which will make it sound awesome. But now it's
about making Record sound decent enough for release coz I plan to release this
album after February. :)

Stay Tuned! I shall make a sample available really soon!


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