Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Korg Micropiano


Korg has had huge success with their micro series from the virtual analog Microkorg, then the microkontrol, Microsampler, and now, the Micropiano.

It's a 61 key digital piano with 61 sounds. It's battery powered and has a headphone out which also serves as its main out. It also has built in speakers making this a very mobile instrument to bring anywhere for just jamming out especially if you're a piano player. They say the keyboard has a different feel to it. I'm just hoping it's unlike the early microkorgs because the keys were so short, it really felt like a toy with the keyboard feel.

Korg is a Japanese company but made in China and the thing about their recent products is that it doesn't feel like a solid product. Add that to the micro look, people have looked at a number of recent Korg products to be toys. It's pretty negative if you go over forums but we can't avoid it. They still have really nice and top products that still makes an impact to dance music today. But to some extent I agree to some opinions of it since I own a Korg R3. It doesn't feel as solid as say my old Korg MS2000 or Prophecy. Don't discount this new keyboard though here's why.

As much as people may say that they're toys, the feature set is great and personally, I can recommend this to parents who would want their kids to get into playing the piano. It looks really nice and with the soundset, I'm sure there are a lot to be had with this. 

You can check out a video here


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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