Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Holy Week >

What is holy week to you?

It is a common mistake to think that Jesus once again died and we have to be all "holy" for a week but isn't it supposed to be a holy life instead of just a week?

Jesus had already died 2000 yrs ago and paid the price for our past, present, and future sins. Once we invite Him into our lives, our past is gone and forgotten. Isn't that nice? All the things we've done in our lives over the years, the things we regret, the things we hope to forget, all fade away under God's grace and forgiveness. Every sin is out of sight for God. All He sees is a pure you. A pure child of His, washed and cleansed by the blood of His son. We are as white as snow. Clear as glass. That is God's forgiveness for you. Isn't it great?

Holy week is a reminder. A Time to reflect and think about the sacrifice God made to be close to you... gave His one and only son. Jesus became sin for us so that we may become whole. Jesus put on SIN itself just for His brothers and sisters (that's us) can experience the goodness and the grace of His Father. It is also a time to look into yourself and ask yourself how you can take an extra step to make a difference in your life and how to impact others as God had done for yours. How can you change yourself and become a better child of His not to win His heart but to be a light to all the people around you. Remember, as Jesus paid for your sins, there is nothing you can do to win God's favor anymore. He loves you PERIOD. That's all there is to it. Now, you have yourself. An open instrument of change where you can make a difference. Be a light to others. It is not asking for you to go out to the streets and preach but it starts with a simple act of kindness that will show others that you have Jesus inside you. It is the small things that make people see His face as you shine for His glory. 

God already DID it and Jesus said, "it is finished." There is nothing left for us to do to "be in God's good graces" but to simply accept the gift of His son, the gift of salvation.

You have been bought because you are important. God loves you and cares about your life wherever you are in. 

Remember these thoughts during the holy week and thank God. Pray for forgiveness and invite Him to be the Lord of your life. You shall see and experience a life of surprises and rest once you do. 


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