Thursday, August 28, 2008

TV Shows

I remember a few yrs back, i was hooked on starworld shows... I literally followed and knew what shows were on at certain times all throughout the week. These days i hardly even find time to follow any series. My tastes have changed as well and lately i've been hooked on educational channels like Discovery, NatGeo, history channel, bio channel, etc. I think i've written something about this in a recent blog. Anyway, if there's anyone who reads my blog, i hope they can find it entertaining and educational so i'll be sharing some tidbits along the way from stuff i watch.

I saw a special on Valley of The Kings in Egypt which talked about the underground tombs of the pharoahs. Pretty spectacular. After they did the pyramids, they went underground. It's where king tut was discovered. Did you know that king ramses II had 50 sons! That's why the biggest tomb discovered was that for his family. As big as 4 football fields with almost 200 rooms/chambers. All of it were underground. There's more but i'd let you watch it. I'm sure it's gonna be shown again.

Anyway, this is one of the busiest weeks of this yr for me and with too much work, i felt that i was beginning to get burned out last night. After finishing a project, i was planning on moving on to the next but somehow, hours passed and i couldn't come up with anything that i simply turned off my computer and knew i had to rest so i turned to my dvd player to get my mind off of work. Don't forget to unwind. I always do and that's what's wrong with me.

That's all for now. God bless and enjoy your friday.

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