Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Apology To The Silverlisters

Handling both ends from being the artist/producer to managing myself for the meantime requires too much and i'm still learning how to do it correctly. I recently found out that i shouldn't have bombarded your inbox for the past week. I initially thought it would be a nice gesture to reach everyone on a more personal level. However, i realized the silverfilter mailing list isn't the correct venue to do that. So i'd like to apologize to everyone who got sick of the daily emails. I'm sorry. From this point on, i'll be maintaining my daily updates ONLY on my personal blog site in, my facebook account, and over at the website once i'm done with the site update. Once again, i'm sorry. I just want to avoid seeing anyone unsubscribing from the list because they got fed up when they initially signed up for important updates like gig schedules, album releases, promos, etc. I'll be leaving the blogging to multiply
and remain with main updates for the mailing list.

Thanks again for believing in me. Thanks for understanding. God bless.

Cy - silverfilter

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