Sunday, June 12, 2011

First There Was Sunburst...

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]I've always loved sunburst guitars ever since I was a kid. After searching high ang low and waiting for the right guitars to come along, here are the remaining and last sunbursts I'll ever have :)

The strat I got the moment the owner posted it for sale. I was actually racing against other people to get it but I won (thank you, Lord)! It's now my main recording guitar especially for client work. 

The tele, well here's the short story... I once had an 83 Fender MIA and sold it to this guy... a few months or I think a year down the road, he posts this tele for sale and the rest is history. At this time, I was set on getting this I even sold some of my synths. At that time, I realized that it was better investing in guitars coz it retains its value more than synths and that's when I got it... love it! It's not as sharp sounding with that usual tele bite like most people look for in a Tele but I found that I prefer its more rounded tone retaining that "tele sound" which I really like especially when I'm playing with my band, Lovecore.



Posted via email from silverfilter living

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