Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reason Record Private Tutorial Batch 1

I was hanging around the studio the other week and came up with the idea of having a select number of people over to do private workshop tutorials...

People have been asking me offline if I would do one and I think it's high time that I give in to their requests so here we are.

The basic Registration Fee is P1,300 and the workshop will last for 3-4 hrs. I will take on only 4 at a time because I want to focus on the attendees and address whatever queries they have regarding the lessons. This is not gonna be a public high attendance thing because I'd rather make it their money's worth by getting that focus and for obvious space reasons.

Schedule is November 27, 2010 at 4pm. Express your confirmation by texting me at 09175004517.

Wokshop registration fee should be paid prior to the workshop date, to signify your FINAL CONFIRMATION. This makes sure that nobody backs out on the day itself to be able to give an equal chance for others who weren't prioritized for the first 4 spots. I will text bank details to those who text me for it.

I will provide the chairs and some space for your laptops (keyboard stands and boards)

What you need to bring:

Your laptop and your eagerness to learn. (at the very least)

Headphones and a stereo/mono out from your soundcard PL or RCA so we can plug you into a mixer :)

You can bring your controller if you want but there might not be enough space on the desk unless you have like those nano keyboards. (optional)

It'll be fun :)

God bless!




Posted via email from silverfilter living

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