Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good First Day...

My favorite German is here!

hehehe So my favorite client arrived the other day and we started work. It's not the actual start but these are just the polishing sessions. I usually do my tracks prior to his arrival then he flies in to finalize everything. I love my job. 

What I really like about the whole thing aside from the work is the experience. I learn A LOT from him and over the years that I've done work for him, he has added to my knowledge big time and I really look up to him. Imagine a guy who has gone all over the world and can say that he's recorded in most studios around Europe even Abbey Road! It's an even a bigger blessing that he continually chooses me for his projects. It's really God's favor. 

I enjoy even the stories of his experiences and the cultural differences that makes his work ethic very professional. If he doesn't like what I did, he says it straight to me. No beating around the bush. It's fun! hehe

We finished a smooth first day and I'm looking forward to the others. It's the last stretch as I mentioned in my previous blogs and it's gonna be great!

Thank you, Lord for this.


Posted via web from silverfilter living

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