Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shirt Entry. First of Many :)


After more than a year of just "thinking" about doing it, I am finally pushing thru. With the help of my new budget android phone, i can finally do my ideas for the blog that needed photos :)

This is the start of the shirt entries. At first, i wanted to do it in a separate blog but after consulting my wife, I have decided to keep it here in the silverfilter blog so you guys can also see what other things interest me aside from music...

The shirt entries would just be random blog posts about shirts in my cabinet. I've always loved collecting them and as much as I'd like to have everything that i fancy, well, we just can't have it all right? So, I'll be sharing the shirts that perhaps you want to check out as well when you visit the stores where i bought it from. Some of course, if given as a gift, well then we'll just end up with a story, because i won't have any idea where they bought it hehe

Anyway, to start, i decided to do one that's music related since of course this is primarily a music blog.

This is ironically a would be favorite shirt of mine since I'm a heavy Reason user. This was a gift to me from my good friend DJ Brian Cua years back when he went to NAMM. Unfortunately, the booth had American sizes and xl to be exact so I need to have the shirt tailor shrunk to fit me. It's still awesome to have it in my cabinet though while it waits to be shrunk hehe

If you're familiar with Reason, the shirt also is obvious that it dates back to the old design and colors of the software and Propellerhead, which i guess makes this a classic hehe

I also have 2 Ableton shirts lying around here. I'll just look for them :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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