Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hermit Week

It's been almost a week since I locked myself at home unintentionally.

I've been sick since Tuesday and I couldn't leave or get out of the house except for Monday when I was still ok and I really needed to go out and get the groceries for the month. The intense stomach pain has drawn much strength from me and all I could do was to stay home and stick to making music, which is not bad at all since I found time to rush on my biggest project for the year. So I was able to work on 5 new tracks for the project. I still have 7 more to go. During the breaks (which I needed of course), I found myself getting back to writing new dance tunes, which is quite  a refreshing feeling. It's been a while since I wrote dance tracks and I guess the long pause in between helped a bit. I managed to write 3 new tunes which I need to finish soon.

Apart from the music-making, I have the tendency to to just let myself be. You know those TV shows where the guy gets locked up in his apartment and his beard grows? I have that tendency... I take a bath of course (duh) but once I get into the "groove" of being busy, I can let my moustache and beard grow and just shave it off when I'm about to go out and mingle with the real world again. I'm just happy to say that in all my years in this life, this is the first time I've lasted without shaving for 6 days. Longest was 4 I think and all my friends know that in just two days, it's more than just a shadow on my face. I like to play with the look and see people's reactions to it but I have a show with the band tonight so I'll be shaving again but my sched is free next week so I think I'll be doing this again. Maybe see how long I can go without shaving haha

We'll be playing tonight in Taytay Rizal for GenCon Church and My radio interview for NU107 is on Sunday already! Busy weekend.

Til Then!

God bless


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