Friday, December 16, 2011

This Is Exactly How I Feel

It's actually the first time I've heard of him but as you'll see in the vid, he's toured the world playing.

One thing that I can relate with though is how he feels towards Reason. It's exactly how I feel. There really is somewhat of an emotional connection with it. No wonder I feel strongly about it and always promote or share it with whoever I get to talk to. 

This is where I'd like to point out somethin to you guys...

We feel strongly about our software, in this case Reason, because we spent time with it. We got deep into it learning its ins and outs. We made sure that we could squeeze out whatever feature it has so that we could translate whatever we have in our minds into sound. This is how you can connect with your software. 

The problem that faces new producers is the choices they have to make toward which DAW or software to use to write their music. From Reason, to Live, to Cubase, to Logic, and others, it sure can be overwhelming. But that's it. It's just overwhelming but there's always a CHOICE. Don't always take ones word for a piece of software but read up a bit. Visit forums or download a demo. What would work for me in terms of workflow would be long winded for you. What is fun for me might seem boring to you. What sounds good to me might sound crap to you. This is the case when choosing your DAW. 

For a little example: I love Reason because it limits me with what it has and it squeezes out the creativity in me. I don't like to work in Live or Logic even if I have them both because I don't want to be bothered with the workflow as well as the overwhelming choices of VST instruments that pop in weekly. Yes, some VSTs may sound better and bring more flavors but I find the limit helps me focus more on creating than spending time choosing which instrument to use. But for others, they hate Reason because of that limit. They want their massive sound libraries, VST instruments, etc and there's nothing wrong with that. everybody has their way.

Bottomline is, find one that you love and connect with it. Once you do, ignore the haters (yes I'm talking to the FL boys). You're the one making the music so you know yourself best. In the end you'll be more creative AND productive than you've ever been before rather than forcing yourself to work with a DAW just because your friend or a magazine you read says it's "the best" or "it's the most fully featured."

What are you're DAWs of choice? Post away and mention your top features. You might just help others who are still searching! :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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