Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mono Is In Again...

I'm not talking about the sound though it's nice to always cross reference your mix in mono to check. 

I'm talking about Mono the brand of gear cases for musicians :)

Visit the site coz it'll give you a lot more.

I'm currently endorsing their DJ bag line and I'll be doing an extensive review of their 365 and Kondenser bags very soon. I'll just finish the videos. 

If you do find a bag/case/product that you fancy, head on over to and place your order because it's now available locally!

Check out their product line. 

On a more personal note, I initially just got the 365 but the Kondenser bag I got for review looked so awesome and I just had to get it for other types of gigs and so I got both! I just love the Kondenser bag for normal running out of the house to make music use for my laptop, controller, and headphones. The 365's more for my gigs. Detailed video review for both coming soon!


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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