Wednesday, January 18, 2012

iOS Musicians Rejoice!

Here's something that many have dreamed of to hold in their iPads and I guess it's now a reality. It even supports VST!!! Awesome. It's interesting coz just yesterday, I was reading an article talking about the possibility of VST in iPads and I thought to myself, "That would be awesome if that happened" and here it is :) 

Auria is a 48 track recording system for the iPad. Now the only thing we all have to remember is interfacing. For all the other peeps out there who may watch this and say "THAT'S AWESOME! I WANNA GET ONE NOW!" We all have to remember that they're not showing how we get the recorded stuff INTO it. So for that you may DEFINITELY still need to buy an interface like the Apogee, or the ik multimedia or line6 interfaces. But personally, If you're already goin this route, best to get the Alesis IO dock as it seems to be the perfect fit for this app.

What are your thoughts on this?


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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