Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm only happy when it rains...

I'm so glad it rained today. I just couldn't bear the heat in our house... even visitors can attest to that hehe it's not that cold yet since it's still summer time but the fact that it rained and the heat isn't as bad is something I'm thankful for.

I just couldn't work properly with the heat. I even tried once to go to starbucks and spend the day there. I brought my headphones, keyboard, and laptop to work on some music but I just couldn't mix down music properly on my headphones. With the rain and all, I'm able to work comfortably in my own home and be productive enough.

so far, I was able to finish a remix required for work, a logo design for a friend, and I'm just waiting for our guitar player to arrive for Lovecore album recording...

It's gonna be a long night.


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