This is an actual screenshot of the sampling in Reason 5 on one of my projects.
To be honest, I really didn't think I'll be sampling anything since I got R5. With all the Refills i have and the audio recording in Record, the sampling function was just an add on for me and I didn't feel I would get any use for it.
I'm working on a project for a client now and they require a specific vst plugin to use. Since Reason doesn't allow 3rd party plugins, I had to resort to rewiring it with my other DAWs. My choices were logic, ableton, or Maschine since all 3 of them can host vst's. I initially ended up using Live. I'm most familiar with it so I chose that. But to rewire it means I should be sequencing inside Live as well which I find time consuming for me since I work fast in Reason and I don't want to be switching windows.
So what did I do?
Well, using soundflower in mac, I routed the outs 3-4 of Live and into Reason. Now with that, I routed the 3-4 input of Reason into the sampling inputs. So now internally just using my computer, I can now sample/record any VST into Reason and Record. Now it somehow adds a psuedo vst functionality inside it but recorded.
For my needs though I had to sample some loops and hits so to quicken the process, I'm using Kong and just sampling straight per pad. It's a fun process which reminded me when I was still sampling into my hardware boxes before and using a dial to trim and such. hehe fun times. I also used kong since I can add on effects straight up per pad so that's also a plus.
With the ease of software these days, sampling is waaaay too easy and if you have lots of sample sources, then you can definitely build a nice sample bank for use in your productions.
Try it out :)
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