Sunday, September 11, 2011

Music Burnout

It may be your boss or your client, but pressures can mount if you're not maintaining balance in your music-making and just taking in project or just giving deadlines that are impossible to meet just to impress. 

If you have a huge project with lots to finish, allow time to breathe in between and tell your client dates that you factor in rest time. I should know since I live and breathe music-making. It's my hobby and it's my passion but at the same time, it's my work. Sometimes, I may admit, I feel like i'll be burned out with music and I'm rushing to find something to take me away from it for a while just to keep me sane. While i'm looking for an alternative hobby, I go and watch movies. 

What do you do to rest or take time away from the pressures of your work or music-making if it's your job?

It may be common knowledge that we all need to REST but how many of us really do? How many of you really take time and consider getting away for a bit to clear your mind? Because sometimes, it can do more damage than good if you just keep going and going. You won't be as productive and you would've have wasted more time trying instead of just resting a bit and getting back fresh. 

There will always be the temptation once you do rest or take some time off wherein your mind says, "you could do more if you're not doing this, you know?" and it will bug you. But don't let it get the best of you. Sometimes, we will really think how "unproductive" taking time off may be but at the end of the day, you'll realize how bigger of an help it was compared to just working your mind off until you have nothing else to give.

So going back to movies, that's what I did. I know that there are things I needed to finish. But I needed to rest over the weekend to prepare myself to dive in headstrong into the week to finish a ton of projects lined up for the week. I could've started one or two over the weekend but I felt it would be pressing it and just making myself into a music "machine" rather than just resting and getting all inspiration and creativity built up over the weekend to explode once monday hits. 

Rest, my friend. Rest.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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