Saturday, March 6, 2010


If you've noticed, I've been posting my stuff for sale lately. 

Truth is, I'm saving up to pay for another guitar. Not sure if I've mentioned it here before but new rule is, don't shell out for another guitar... sell items to pay for it so that's what I've been doing. I'm selling all the guitars that I don't get to use. So that includes a few guitars, cases, and whatever I can find that I don't use. It's just been a blessing that God's blessed me with enough items to sell for it haha

I'm pretty excited about my new guitar coming. I already reserved it from the seller so it's just a matter of time to sell my stuff and finally pick the new guitar up. It's not exactly "new" but it's in GREAT condition and if I got it new, I won't be able to afford it at the moment hahaha

So there... I'm glad God sent me a buyer already and was able to sell my Fender guitar case earlier.

What's left to sell?

Epiphone Les Paul Custom Black Beauty - 28k

Epiphone Flying V - 25k upgraded pickups, setup, schaller locks, 

Washburn Acoustic Guitar - 6k for now just to get the extra cash for the purchase.

Tweed Keyboard Case - 4k

Roland JP8000 Virtual Analog Synth - 25k

So there. I'm confident God will send buyers my way soon so expect an announcement of my new axe soon!


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