Thursday, December 17, 2009

Overloaded Day

It's one of those days...

I had my day planned out and certain things came up which I had to attend to...

Paid bills and I suddenly got a call that the music I did for a client had to be revised. It wasn't part of the day so I had to squeeze the whole thing in. I was planning on focusing Thursday on preparing for the Props workshop but it had to be done. Lunchtime, my friend paid me a visit coz he was asking for help so it was an added distraction (not that it was a bad thing). 

After the loooong day, I finally found time to get my hands dirty and prepare for the workshop. I must say, I'm only halfway done but I'm getting excited the more demo templates I finish. It's going along smoothly and I guess I'll finish the rest tom. I'm finally getting my head around the whole sequence of lessons and I'm excited to share these with everyone. 

So if you're interested to be part of the workshop, don't forget to be there this Saturday!

I'll be going from basic to some neat tricks in reason and record :)

God bless


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