Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finding Blogging Ideas

I must admit, I'm not the most consistent blogger in the world. But who is? Perhaps the best advice I learned recently about blogging is don't apologize for being away coz I often find myself doing that so there's none of that here today. (wheeee!)

I've always been puzzled at those professional or even consistent bloggers how they never run out of ideas. But we (all of us inconsistent ones) should remember that they too run out and they too try to look for other things to talk about in their blogs. 

Here are some stuff I do to find topics.

1. Google - of course, this one's pretty obvious but you'll be surprised at how many pre-made lists are floating around giving people topics already to write about. This is how I came across my 100 topic blog list, which I do from time to time. 

2. Look Around Your Room - I know this sounds too basic but as the cliche goes, you are one in a million. Your tastes, your style, your own preferences make you "you," which makes things interesting in the sense that you can talk about stuff you may have lying around that maybe only you will have! You can talk about how you use it, or where you got it, how you got it, why, etc. 

3. Subscribe To Stuff - Now this one may be a bit too general but I'll try to break it down. Subscribe to mailing lists, forums, get RSS feeds to different blogs, twitter or even to store updates!

- mailing lists/forums: by subscribing to these, you're bound to always find something new. Remember, that even if you feel you're always at the top of your game, someone's bound to know more than you so it's nice to feed off new info from other people daily. Once you find out some new stuff, do your research and you can end up writing something nice and ORIGINAL by yourself. 

- RSS from blogs/sites and twitter: same as the previous that some people may have BETTER access than you to things like they may get free stuff or sponsorships or if you're from another country, you may not have those products easily available to you. By seeing them mentioned in blogs or sites, the least you can do is write about something you found interesting or simply say "I want one of these!"

- store updates: Some stores send you updates on new products or pre-order products which means some people may not have heard or don't even have it so it's also nice to be ahead of the game :)

So there, I know it's a short list but just with these top 3, you can go a long way in writing entries for days when ideas run dry. 


God bless. 


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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