Friday, August 27, 2010

Ups and Downs...

It's been a while since I last posted anything... (I always say that, right?)

Anyway, it's been a depressing day the other day when one of my monitor speakers started to fizz, light died, and then I get that awful burnt smell. It was so traumatic for me to smell it that I was still smelling it the next day. I was affected that much! Why? Coz I don't need this kind of expense right now. With the studio, monitor speakers is in the top 3 most important things to have and here I was, sitting in front of my workstation smelling the stench of something burning inside the speaker... and so thoughts rushed into my head on deadlines, having no speakers, and the inevitable COST to replace them.

Very next day, I texted all the suppliers I could think of and asked around to find a replacement. Unfortunately, the Alesis brand isn't here anymore so I had to look for something else. Ended up ordering a pair of KRK's. Now it's not like it was that easy to replace it. Replacing it requires shelling out from my savings which is supposed to pay for stuff for the studio renovation and here I am, taking part of it, which is really unnecessary at this point but I had no choice. Now I had to upgrade my monitor system sacrificing stuff that I needed to get as well.

At this point in time, the only thing holding me together is Faith. Faith that God will deliver me from the herculian task of putting up my own studio because seriously, only God can get me through this now...


Posted via email from silverfilter living

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