#2 in the 100 blog topics is "Ways I Embrace My Audience" and I included listeners because I feel that it's more apt for me.
This particular topic actually makes me think and look back into what I have tried to do over the years and take stock of how effective it has become... or not.
Off the top of my head, I can think of a few things.
1. The silverfilter Yahoogroups : I guess this is one of the very first things I did waaay back when I started the SF project. This was aimed to get the listeners together in a list and have an open communication with them. But at this point, I don't know if this model still works after almost 8 years :(
2. The official silverfilter website : I built this waaay back as well. If you've followed the site's progression over the years however, you would've noticed that it's been changed from scratch I believe 3-5 times already. The current one which you see on silverfilter.com is the one I'm keeping and it has proved to be most effective and informative. There may be some things to be addressed but it's getting there. But generally, I'm happy with it.
The purpose of the site is to create a main point of reference for anything silverfilter and everything springs out from there. Now anybody who doesn't know or are unaware of the other sites, channels, etc I have online can find out about those via the site. It's been an essential tool in embracing my listeners.
With the site, I am able to give away tunes, tutorials, tips, tricks, even free ringtones that I have made just to give more to the people who support what I do.
3. silverfilter monthly : this is an offshoot of the site in a way since it is a one page html file but this is sent with valuable updates for the month, a tutorial, an album review, a track review/feature, and more.
4. Social networks (Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Uvumi, T61, Reverbnation, bandcamp, etc) Most of the sites mentioned here are the only ones I am on. Unfortunately, it's hard managing all of them so some of the sites, I rarely frequent these days. Perhaps when things pick up I can try to have a balanced way of being active on all of them. (please read my entry on how I use facebook for more)
5. Merchandise : If you've seen me perform live or have talked to me in person, you might have received the freebies I usually hand out during shows from the silverfilter pins to the free stickers. It's my way of saying thanks and at the same time empowering my listeners and supporters to be a tool in helping promote my act.
6. Podcasts : On occasion, I try to produce audio podcasts. Some are interviews so that people can find out a thing or two about what I do. I also have audio only tutorials or recorded sessions of talks I have done. Some just talk about music in general and I plan to upload more live performance recordings as well.
7. Take One (the YouTube show) : to date, this is the latest thing I have created to add to the things I do to embrace my listeners and show my appreciation and thanks as well as extend a helping hand. Take One is a weekly show covering various tutorials for music production. As I have picked up on a lot of things offline and online, I decided to create a channel to address the needs of producers so that I can be able to share the things I've learned or discovered on my own. It is mainly based around Propellerhead Reason and Record but eventually, I do plan to cover Ableton and Logic as well as the other pieces of software I use.
Now my question is, how effective are these in "embracing" my listeners? What do you think? Do I need to do more? What other things can you suggest I do?
Posted via email from silverfilter living