Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Village On Facebook?

As #3 on the list of 100 blog topics to write comes "Should My Town Use Social Media?" Now I felt that to make it more in tune to my immediate surrounding, I felt that even just our village could do. 

This actually made me think how our village can benefit from using social media...

Perhaps a village Facebook page would be nice. I know I'll be subscribing to this or even "liking" the page. As a homeowner, I also am concerned about certain things going on around the village and it would make things easier voicing certain concerns if we did have a Facebook page. At the same time, the village officials can also disseminate news quicker and even reach the younger age group who are always online. This way, as early as their teens and in their young adult stage, we could all be aware and contribute to the betterment of the community we live in. 

Twitter account? um, I'm not too sure about that. maybe but I doubt I'd be following the twitter account of my village hehe

These blog topics are challenging but nice at the same time. It kinda tweaks my brain off the usual topics and things my mind usually focuses on. It's healthy hehe


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ways I Embrace My Audience (Listeners)

#2 in the 100 blog topics is "Ways I Embrace My Audience" and I included listeners because I feel that it's more apt for me.

This particular topic actually makes me think and look back into what I have tried to do over the years and take stock of how effective it has become... or not. 

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few things.

1. The silverfilter Yahoogroups : I guess this is one of the very first things I did waaay back when I started the SF project. This was aimed to get the listeners together in a list and have an open communication with them. But at this point, I don't know if this model still works after almost 8 years :(

2. The official silverfilter website : I built this waaay back as well. If you've followed the site's progression over the years however, you would've noticed that it's been changed from scratch I believe 3-5 times already. The current one which you see on silverfilter.com is the one I'm keeping and it has proved to be most effective and informative. There may be some things to be addressed but it's getting there. But generally, I'm happy with it. 

The purpose of the site is to create a main point of reference for anything silverfilter and everything springs out from there. Now anybody who doesn't know or are unaware of the other sites, channels, etc I have online can find out about those via the site. It's been an essential tool in embracing my listeners. 

With the site, I am able to give away tunes, tutorials, tips, tricks, even free ringtones that I have made just to give more to the people who support what I do. 

3. silverfilter monthly : this is an offshoot of the site in a way since it is a one page html file but this is sent with valuable updates for the month, a tutorial, an album review, a track review/feature, and more.

4. Social networks (Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Uvumi, T61, Reverbnation, bandcamp, etc) Most of the sites mentioned here are the only ones I am on. Unfortunately, it's hard managing all of them so some of the sites, I rarely frequent these days. Perhaps when things pick up I can try to have a balanced way of being active on all of them. (please read my entry on how I use facebook for more)

5. Merchandise : If you've seen me perform live or have talked to me in person, you might have received the freebies I usually hand out during shows from the silverfilter pins to the free stickers. It's my way of saying thanks and at the same time empowering my listeners and supporters to be a tool in helping promote my act.

6. Podcasts : On occasion, I try to produce audio podcasts. Some are interviews so that people can find out a thing or two about what I do. I also have audio only tutorials or recorded sessions of talks I have done. Some just talk about music in general and I plan to upload more live performance recordings as well.  

7. Take One (the YouTube show) : to date, this is the latest thing I have created to add to the things I do to embrace my listeners and show my appreciation and thanks as well as extend a helping hand. Take One is a weekly show covering various tutorials for music production. As I have picked up on a lot of things offline and online, I decided to create a channel to address the needs of producers so that I can be able to share the things I've learned or discovered on my own. It is mainly based around Propellerhead Reason and Record but eventually, I do plan to cover Ableton and Logic as well as the other pieces of software I use. 

Now my question is, how effective are these in "embracing" my listeners? What do you think? Do I need to do more? What other things can you suggest I do?


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Mango Radio Interview B Part Three

Mango Radio Interview B Part Two

Mango Radio Interview B Part One

The Making of In The Meantime

Bringing back my podcast to life in a new host, here's the very first upload I did from way back. All my old files will be uploaded here in posterous don't worry :)

My first ever release, In The Meantime, is revisited as I go through the making and the stories behind the songs and how it was made. 


Download now or listen on posterous
Podcast_Episode_1.mp3 (28407 KB)

Posted via email from silverfilter podcasts

How I Use Facebook

As I begin my new 100 blog topics project, this appeared in #1 and so here I am. 

I initially didn't sign up for FB. I was convinced later on. I figured I didn't need another social networking site... I didn't know it would be this big now. 

Anyway, for a time, I almost gave up on it. FB felt lifeless and everything came back to life once I was on twitter. But before I go into that, let's backtrack...

When I joined FB, one funny thing I didn't know was that red circle alerted me of updates. All the while I left it as it is and never checked it until a friend told me its use. Yes, it's funny. For some technology guy, I was kinda slow in that respect but hey! 

Fast forward to that time I felt it was lifeless... it was the usual social network site (this was yrs back remember). And life wasn't about the feeds or stat updates, right? and so I left it at that. At the same time, I didn't want to always be online just to be able to post an update. But when I joined Twitter, and was able to do mobile tweeting, everything changed. With mobile tweeting and the ability to link my twitter posts to be sent to FB, it brought new life to my FB account so to speak. At least I can share experiences quicker and as it happens. Not when I get home and think of updates to post... urgh.

Today, here's how FB works for me... (and I guess more people utilize more features than me).

I go online, and check my updates, friend invites, inbox msgs...

I also maintain a lovecore and silverfilter group page for each as well as fan pages for each as well. These centralizes communication for the people interested in the group and in the music that I/we do. This is how I send updates, and announcements. 

If you wanna join my page http://www.facebook.com/silverfilterofficial

I feel that I underutilize the events function because I hardly post events and make events announcements using it. I usually do it via the notes function and the feed. :(

The notes feature however, if people have noticed, is updated regularly. This is because all my blog entries to blogspot.com are automatically posted into my notes section.

Other than that, it's the usual and common uses for FB like reading the live feed, commenting, etc. I don't usually use the photos section as well since I've had bad experiences with uploading that I waited for so long only to get failed uploads so I just left it as it is. Some of the photos uploaded are from the autopost features from my blog, which includes the photos I uploaded to the blog and sorts them out into albums in the photos section in FB.

The one thing I hate with FB is the way they keep changing things with the layout. I welcome change but when something changes, some features or ways to do things can get winded. When you visit their help pages, it's not updated and you become lost to how to do simple things. Oh well...

How do you use yours?


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Blogging Blah...

As much as I'd like to write stuff about my day and such, I don't think some would be interested in what I did for the day or something. I'm jetsetter DJ touring the globe or some famous actor. 

With this dilemma, I decided to search the net for tips on how I can come up with blog topics and as much as there are the usual and practical stuff, I came across this blog entry of a pretty known blogger and decided to do this as a project. If you wanna do it too, here's the link. 


So basically, it's a list of 100 blog topics and I've gone over some and I think those would be interesting. So let's see...

On to a hundred!


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Blogging Blah...

As much as I'd like to write stuff about my day and such, I don't think some would be interested in what I did for the day or something. I'm jetsetter DJ touring the globe or some famous actor. 

With this dilemma, I decided to search the net for tips on how I can come up with blog topics and as much as there are the usual and practical stuff, I came across this blog entry of a pretty known blogger and decided to do this as a project. If you wanna do it too, here's the link. 


So basically, it's a list of 100 blog topics and I've gone over some and I think those would be interesting. So let's see...

On to a hundred!


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Blessings of God for The Studio

So last night, I finally picked up my new pair of studio monitor speakers. I'm not as excited since it really wasn't part of the plan to upgrade at the moment and as mentioned in my previous blogs, it really isn't the time for me to be spending for such. But such is life. I'm just very thankful to God that He has provided for it and everything else. It's slowly getting there. As much as I need to make up for some of the payables, I know He will bring the provision so I am just continuing in the promise of of His blessings.

In other news, my body finally caught up after weeks of surviving around friends and loved ones who were sick. I'm not accepting this sickness but feeling under the weather comes by and this will be done quick. :)

I'm looking forward to this week because of key things... flooring will be done, final doors will be installed and hopefully acoustics installation can start this week. 

I won't be setting up my new monitors for now while waiting for the studio to finish. I'll just wait for it.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ups and Downs...

It's been a while since I last posted anything... (I always say that, right?)

Anyway, it's been a depressing day the other day when one of my monitor speakers started to fizz, light died, and then I get that awful burnt smell. It was so traumatic for me to smell it that I was still smelling it the next day. I was affected that much! Why? Coz I don't need this kind of expense right now. With the studio, monitor speakers is in the top 3 most important things to have and here I was, sitting in front of my workstation smelling the stench of something burning inside the speaker... and so thoughts rushed into my head on deadlines, having no speakers, and the inevitable COST to replace them.

Very next day, I texted all the suppliers I could think of and asked around to find a replacement. Unfortunately, the Alesis brand isn't here anymore so I had to look for something else. Ended up ordering a pair of KRK's. Now it's not like it was that easy to replace it. Replacing it requires shelling out from my savings which is supposed to pay for stuff for the studio renovation and here I am, taking part of it, which is really unnecessary at this point but I had no choice. Now I had to upgrade my monitor system sacrificing stuff that I needed to get as well.

At this point in time, the only thing holding me together is Faith. Faith that God will deliver me from the herculian task of putting up my own studio because seriously, only God can get me through this now...


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Beauty of Stopping...

It's been said time and again but I guess there's no harm in reminding people...

We should all, as they say, Stop and smell the roses.

Whatever we're doing or we have been doing, there's always room to stop and take stock of what you have achieved so far, where you see yourself presently and where you see yourself going. 

We often find ourselves so preoccupied with the things that keep going and going around us that the world seems to be simply rushing. When in fact, we could all stop and breathe. 

In my case, I can sit in front of my computer everyday making tunes. I can sit with a guitar trying to come up with either chord progressions or sit down and write lyrics as much as I can but in all of these, there's room to stop. I've learned over the years that stopping helps my creative juices get its much deserved rest. It also helps me appreciate the beauty of the process of creation. When you find yourself lost in creating something, times will come when the fascination for it dwindles. Whereas when you realize, even in the simplest of creations, the fact that you are creating something that can change lives because of the "art" that you create, you take hold of it better. 

I can even go months now without writing any new tune. I can skip those writing sessions "just for the sake" of writing. 

I can find myself just enjoying life doing something else than getting caught up with "being creative" when its purest and most inspired form comes when we least expect it.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nice Problems :)

It's funny and weird how I ended up spending more than what I needed but it saves me immediate cash out...

Here's the thing, in Audiophile, they don't allow 0% interest term schemes UNLESS your purchase reaches 25k. my problem was, the thing that I was supposed to buy wouldn't even reach that amount at all! BUT I didn't want to shell out that much cash since I'm budgeting everything while the studio is being finished. So I opted to go with the 25k just so I can pay in around 2k a month installment terms. So I saved cash out but I'm spending more in the end.

Now here's the fun and funny part...

I had a really nice problem... It's like I was given 25 grand to spend on equipment... ang saya diba!? So it was like I was this rich guy going around the whole store looking at whatever item, seeing if I like it or not. Once I find something I liked, I'll just say, "I'll get that!" or "sold!" hehehe It was really fun. It was a really nice problem to have. I wish that was my problem though but I had the pick of either Perfect Pitch and JB as well... It was very limiting in Audiophile. BUT I guess it was for my good. At least I didn't get derailed into spending for stuff I really don't need for the studio... ok I bought a guitar amp for myself! There I said it.

With that one exception, I ended up focusing and getting all the essentials I needed for the studio to run properly and I feel very blessed for it. Really excited!!!!!!

On a side note: Lights got delivered today so lighting... check! I just need all the flooring installed from the laminates and the carpet!!!

It's fun.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reason Combinator... the non-musical side. Part 2

Now after you've found the template (also included here),  you can edit as you please. Here're the specifics...

For the psd file

(as written in the readme)

About the template backdrop files

This folder contains template files for creating your own Combinator backdrops.

The "Template Backdrop.psd" file is a template in Adobe Photoshop format. If you open it, you will find that it contains a number of layers - you can quickly change the appearance of the backdrop by hiding and showing layers. Of course, you can also add your own elements, plate colors or labels to the backdrop. After designing your backdrop, you should save the file in jpeg format, so that it can be imported into Reason.


The "Place Holders" layer contains the elements that are drawn by Reason. You cannot replace these in the backdrop. We recommend that you hide these before saving as jpeg.

The "Original Text" layer contains the fixed text labels from the original Combi backdrop. You can keep them, hide them or replace them with your own texts as you like.

The "Rotary" and "Button" layers are the text labels for the rotary controls and labels. These are normally drawn by Reason, but you can choose to add fixed labels to your backdrop (e.g. if you want other fonts or colors).
If you include such custom labels in the backdrop you cannot change the label texts from within Reason! Also, you need to remove the label texts from the Combinator in Reason before you save the Combi patch - otherwise you will get double label texts (one label from the backdrop and one from Reason).
If you don't want to include custom labels in the backdrop, make sure the "Rotary" and "Button" layers are hidden before you save as jpeg. That way, you can edit the label texts in Reason as usual.

The "Template Backdrop.jpg" file is useful if you don't have a program that can read Adobe Photoshop files. Simply open the jpg file in any bitmap editor and draw/paint what you want. The template gives you the correct backdrop dimensions and help you see where each element goes.

Good Luck!

The Propellerhead Software team

For the jpg file

Select backdrop...
This function allows you to change the "skin" of the Controller panel. You can design your own labels for the assignable controls, and change the color and look of the whole panel.
* Select the Combinator and choose "Select Backdrop..." from the Edit menu. The Image browser opens, allowing you to select image file in the JPEG (.jpg) format.
* The dimensions of the image file should be 754 x 138 pixels.
* The knobs, buttons, patch name display and patch buttons cannot be redesigned.
* If you wish to design your own text labels for the virtual controls, you should first remove the original text labels. Click on a label, remove the current text and press [Enter].
* To remove a Backdrop, select "Remove Backdrop" from the context menu. The original look of the Combinator panel is restored.

About template backdrops
There are template backdrops installed with the program. These have the right dimensions and serve as a good starting point when creating new backdrops. The "Combi Backdrops" folder is located in the "Template Documents" folder within Reason's Program folder.

Two templates are available, one in the JPEG format and the other in the Adobe Photoshop format (.psd).

* The .psd (Photoshop) template contains multiple layers, which are useful when customizing backdrops. You have to save any backdrops created in Photoshop as JPEG files before you can use them in Reason.

[from page 158 of the Reason 4 Operation Manual]

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Reason Combinator... the non-musical side.

Reason Combinator is one of the modules inside of Reason. It is the only one editable and so lots of refills have their own take on it.

Months back, I came across the template used for it and I forgot about it.  An hour ago, one of my friends asked if I could design his lates refill and so I was back Googling on how and where I can get that template. Finally, I found it. It took me a while but to you graphics guys who are also into music, you might find this useful. So here you go...

1. Go to Reason/Template Documents/Combi Backdrops
- in this directory will be a Readme file with directions, a Photoshop template and a JPEG template.

2. Edit one of the templates and save it somewhere else.

3. Create a Combinator with a custom patch in Reason. (I made a Five Meter Grand Piano modified with a sweet delay).

4. With the Combinator selected, choose "Select Backdrop" from the Edit menu.

5. Select your custom template.

6. Save the Combinator patch with a new name.

Credits: from this link http://www.bwacksforum.com/forums/archive/index.php4?t-3914.html

Posted via email from silverfilter living

I'm Getting This...

It's a 12 unit rack for gear...


Never realized I needed one of these... Well, I never really bothered but I'll be getting one for the studio.

I just didn't have any "rack-type" gear that's why I didn't bother before but with the current upgrades I'm making, I'll be needing this.

Hoping to put these here...

- Recording interface

- midi interface

- headphone amp

- preamp (future purchase)

- maybe a compressor?

- perhaps an aural exciter


It would be nice to fill it up but since I'm more of the in-the-box type of guy, I'm sure I won't be able to.. and I don't want to since that means I'll need to spend more hehe

I've been blessed to have a go at some old gear stocked up in an studio so I got to take a pick on what's available which weren't being used at all. Hopefully I could make use and bring to life some of those pieces of gear.

Excited to see this in my studio with the equipment screwed on already :)



Posted via email from silverfilter living

The Closer It Gets...

Been REALLY busy sourcing out some stuff for the studio. I mentioned in a previous entry how hard it is and unfortunately, the trend still goes on as I look for more. Anyway, I had to travel all the way to the far ends of QC just to get cable. The trip wasn't wasted though since I was able to get other stuff from the supplier I didn't realize I needed... It's nice when that happens.

Today, I was about to pick up stuff for the studio, which I call equipment shopping! haha But when I got there, some of the items I ordered didn't arrive so I guess I'll have to go back again for it :( bummer.

The closer it gets, the busier it is for the stuff needed for it but it'a all for something bigger than me... can you say livelihood? hehe So it's all good. It'll all be worth it once everything's finished.

I'd like to say that the studio renovation is in 3 phases 1) structure 2) flooring 3)acoustics... We're still in phase 1 and as much as it's delayed, at least I know the work's being done well and not rushed. phase 2 and 3 can be done in less than a week so I'm not worried. After that, it's all studio set up for me. That would be exciting coz I'll be able to see how the studio looks already.

I've also been looking at more studio stuff lately to see what else I'll be needing for the future with the services I'm offering.

It's getting more exciting :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Little Idea... about Korg Analogsssssss

Aside from the usual posts I make daily (I try) about the happenings in my life, as a blog for music and life, I'll try to add more things about music as well or make 2 entries a day... It's funny typing making two entries when I have a hard time already maintaining an entry a day hahaha Maybe this new direction will help me blog more as well. 

So here goes...

For anyone unaware, Korg has recently jumped into the analog synth bandwagon and created the Korg Monotron. To be straigh to the point, I want one. It's definitely toy-like. I myself am not yet sure as to what use it is to my studio but I figure it'll be a fun little piece.

You can google Korg Monotron for more specs. Basically it's a small synth... palm-sized to be exact but has that analog goodness.

Now this post isn't about the Monotron per se but how it stacks up against the icon of a synth from Korg themselves which is the Korg MS20. I found this link shared I believe in a tweet and I'm sharing it with you guys.

Its sounds 99% close to my ears. what do you think?



Posted via email from silverfilter living

I'm Keeping Hope Alive...

Due to some things I wasn't prepared for, my studio budget has blown way out of proportion... Let's just say it's a bit over by 65% more than the budget I prepared for it.

Today, I went out to buy the studio wall plate that's needed to be installed already. A wall in the studio has been pending finishing because of this particular delay. It was actually an oversight for me. I forgot all about it and remembered it 2 months into the construction. Good thing the construction is taking longer than expected and has gone over by 2 weeks already so it gave me a little more time to find one. It was a challenge. It's really hard when some stuff aren't readily available in the Philippines. It really is a  bummer.

I also went out and bought the lights for the studio because it's one of those things that was needed to be installed as well. I couldn't delay as much as I wanted to.

As excited as I am, I couldn't avoid thinking about all the costs but I'm keeping hope alive that God will pull through in His time. This project has wiped me out and I really need to finish this and make something out of it.

I'm waiting for you, God. Your turn.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Synths That Have Come and Gone...

Here's to remembering the synths that have graced my life over the years. I wish I kept 'em all... Too bad I don't have photos of everything :(



Korg MS2000 (wasn't supposed to be gone but it's a long story I don't want to bash people here hehe)

Roland JD800 (heaviest synth I EVER had... which I had to ship to Cebu for the buyer!)

Korg Prophecy (used as a controller before and I was under utilizing it's power so I sold it so somebody can maximize its potential)

Novation A Station Rack (needed money so I had to let go of this...)

Korg Electribe EA1, ES1, EM1, ER1, EMX, ESX (The supporting characters of the once live hardware silverfilter set)



Korg R3 (awesome vocoder!)

Roland JP8000 (supersaw! Was my dream synth a decade back and was so happy when I got it but I need to downsize)



Korg R3 (um, vocoder!)

Novation X Station (nice little synth which acts as a controller and audio interface as well. Hard to let go coz of the features!)

Roland Juno 60 (my latest baby! I'm going analog)

Roland MC307 (it's old and dated but this started the whole silverfilter live show)



Secret! (hehehe)



Nord Lead 2X (I've always wanted a Nord in my collection)


At this point in my life, I'm just trying to collect a few pieces coz I'm more of in the box aka software these days. I'm just keeping a few because of the particular features and memories associated with those pieces. If I was a millionaire, I would've kept all of 'em...


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Lean On Him...

A little sharing as well... I just came from church and I'd like to share the teaching on leaning on God. we should all learn to lean in a way that we trust him fully. You know how when we lean, we shift our weight to the person we're leaning on? That's how we should freely trust Him... 100%. Because in truth, He had already took upon all the weight that may burden us... sins, problems, sickness, bondage.  

You also know the feeling when we become relaxed when our weight is shifted because someone is taking it all, right? That's how God takes care of His children. We can fully trust him, lay our head and hearts on Him and we can live a "light" life free of worries that will bring us down. We can truly say that we are rested and have the peace nobody else can bring into our lives. 

Have you truly trusted God to lean on Him fully and let your life fall freely into his arms?


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Lots Going On...

I apologize for the delay in updates. It's not like there's nothing to write about. Sometimes it's overwhelming I get too tired before I even open my blog page. 

Anyway, studio update...

It's been delayed by 3 weeks from the projected completion of the structure phase. I'm not complaining though coz I know it's taking time to be better... plus it gives me time to save money hahaha I'll be uploading a separate photo album for the recent photos. Nothing much has changed actually... I just can't wait for it to finish not just because I could do some actual work already but because it'll help clear out the mess in our house coz all my stuff is taking up so much space!

Been also busy with all the planning for the wedding so it's really focus-time for me. It's only a few months so I really need to get things together. 

I recently just shared this great idea God placed in my head with someone and looks like God's blessed me with another album sponsor!!! Yehey! This one's for release early next year. The two CDs I have planned for release this year already have its sponsors so it's just a matter of waiting a bit. For sure it'll be out before the year ends. I'm pretty excited about everything that God's laying in front of me. He's slowly proving that all those years and nights working on music that I don't know where it'll end up, will finally see the light of day. Everything was just preparation time after all :)



Posted via email from silverfilter living

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Long Saturday

It wasn't as loaded as a lot of people but it was long enough for me...

Met up with Berns then drove all the way to Ayala Greenfields in Calamba to check out the open area for the wedding. Did some massive measuring and then headed to Sta Rosa for a gig but I had to make a quick stop in Paseo De Sta Rosa to look for socks... yes socks. Surprisingly, they don't have ankle socks there. weird... Anyway, did our gig and looked for a place to have dinner. But since the gig ended a bit late, we had to settle for Yellow Cab. Not that it's a bad place coz I love their hot wings. But we had our sights set on Kanin Club so it was unfortunate that we didn't make it. After dinner, we just hung out and read magazine articles aloud to each other. It was interesting :) Then Berns had coffee in Starbucks so we went thru some details for the wedding so we happily accomplished finishing our wedding logo, some lists, and our table names. Glad it turned out to be a fruitful night. Unfortunately, our initial plan of heading to Tagaytay didn't push thru coz of the rain. God has plans :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Studio Update August 5, 2010!

Here we are again with another update!

Nothing big has happened but you'll notice things have cleaned up a bit or shall we say looks better than before. It's still a few weeks to go but it will definitely be finished before September :)

Recording room is slowly getting it's "look," I already have airconditioning! haha

Hopefully by next week, I'll have the studio plate installed, flooring, and the carpet. The week after that, recording door, glass windows, and all the acoustics stuff.

Expect me to start marketing my studio in a few weeks! hehe

As usual, Mackie tagged along...




ps. I can't wait for this to finish!!!!!!

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Monday, August 2, 2010

Steady Monday

Was supposed to have a big meeting but it got moved to Tuesday so I just stayed home and did some research and later on worked on music for a mall ad. I need to expand and let people know the services that I offer. Anybody willing to help? Cy

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just Sunday

Typical Sunday for me...

Church, family dinner in SM to check out the new Department Store area hehe, and movie but we didn't go to the theater tonight like most Sundays. Decided to just watch at home. 

When I got home, looked for some of my tunes for presentation for a meeting tom. Hoping to get a sponsor for my chillout album... If all goes well, then I'm hoping to have it out soon :) Pray with me for that. 

Been googling Bjork the past hour. Looking for a particular movie I saw her in which I didn't finish...

Anyway, time to sleep. I'm still a bit floating from my wonderful Saturday, which I'll share tom. I need to sleep. 

God bless peeps!


Posted via email from silverfilter living