Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It Has Begun...

The house is in a complete mess...

In a few hours from now, it'll be day 3 of my bedroom studio renovation and it's been quite an interesting first two days. Good thing I have my camera along to document the whole process until it finishes. 

So far, there have been some moving, carrying, tearing down, and last I checked, they already removed the old rotting roof! Perhaps the old beams will come down later. We'll see. I'll be posting updates on this momentous point in my life! hehe Yes it IS that big for me. 

Here are some photos and videos from day 1 and 2...

Click here to download:
MOV04953.MPG (6011 KB)
Click here to download:
MOV04959.MPG (5874 KB)


Posted via web from silverfilter living

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