Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Luxury I Don't Have

I wish I had the luxury of most signed artists... Manager, their own sound engineers, marketing crew, etc.

I don't.

What I have is myself and all those roles crammed into one person who I become if needed at certain times. I can't say I'm a fulltime musician. Right now I am all of the above and as much as I enjoy doing it, I am spreading myself too thin and I know that. But as an independent electronic artist, I have to. I don't have the funding to JUST BE an artist but to play roles.

I make music then promote it. I create my website and update it. I mix down my album and produce it. I then plan launches and execute it. Add the design work I have to do for promo merchandises like shirts, pins, etc.

I'm not complaining. I just feel that I could be more productive and out there If I did have the help from people.

It's hard i tell you. Really hard.


Ps. If you know anyone willing to help or if you want to, feel free to contact me. I'd appreciate it a lot. :)

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