If you've been following the DJing trends in recent years, it's been flowing from the mere playing of 2 turntables in succession or together to advancing to things like Traktor where you have remix decks, sample decks integrating loops, and samples into ones DJ set. Some call it a hybrid DJ-live set. A lot of DJs have also jumped into this to "spice" up their set.
However, as a music producer and live performing artist, I found myself stepping back into its most basic: 2 deck mixing. I dunno. I think that because I've come from doing live sets that cover 8-16 tracks, composing on the fly, layering, etc, I felt that in my DJing, I think I want to simplify and enjoy the music others have made (and sometimes my own). I feel like taking off the pressure that I usually put on myself when I do live sets and just let the tracks flow as they're supposed to. Plus the fact that it gives me more time to enjoy myself and to dance to it :)
Now, I don't know if this will work to my advantage seeing it's a step backward in terms of the progress in today's DJing world but at the same time, I feel that I can't go wrong with a DJing standard that's lasted decades before all the "added" stuff thrown in the mix came in.
This is not to say that I'll be sticking with this format. But for now, I'm happy with it. Once I add on to it, I'd go the Maschine route and add on to the material live. That for sure would be a nice DJ-live hybrid set. For now, I'm really happy working with my very basic setup and just enjoying the groove.