God's goodness of course still and will always surprise us. But if you think about it, it shouldn't be much of a surprise because he is always GOOD and all that's left of us is to expect that good to come our way. It's just a matter of time.
I just finished a "nice" project for a foreign client and with a nice project comes a nice pay, and with a nice pay comes an even better amount of money to be set aside for tithing. Now, if I didn't believe in the promise of God, I would say, "I'd just keep this money since it can buy me that new DJ system I've always wanted to try out." But the tithe is my seed and I don't want to eat my seed because I know I can get "trees" from it with more fruit.
So I finally gave my tithes to church the other day. But this time, I KNEW that money was coming my way because that is how God's system works. God's proven himself faithful countless times already. The whole time, I knew. My feeling was that I was just waiting for God's response to my giving. True enough, in Godly fashion, in less than a week, a new project came in that will pay me 4-5 times of that amount that I sowed to the kingdom. Now THAT is how God works. If I decided to keep and spend the money, God wouldn't have anything to multiply.
At this point in my life as a Christian, there is zero doubt on my end about how effective tithing really is, and I would like to encourage anyone reading this that if you don't have that "habit" yet, try it... try God. He won't disappoint AT ALL. The key is to hold on to His promises just like how my spirit gave me that assurance that all is well in my finances and all I had to do was expect the blessing and wait for it.
I always have good stories after tithing... especially after giving something big where if we doubted tithing, we would not give at all because it's quite a significant amount. But I know my God and I know He is faithful and true to his word and it is just so refreshing that this week, even before anything came my way, I knew in my heart that ANYTIME now, God will deliver.
And He did indeed deliver.
Posted via email from silverfilter living