Monday, November 26, 2012

Lookin' for silverfilter Roadie/PA :)

When I first posted the announcement, I received an email asking about the description and qualifications so I decided to post it here on my blog as well to make things straightforward :)

Well, I'm basically looking for a roadie/PA: someone I can train for setup, help carry stuff, assist with whatever's needed during gigs. I'm hoping to find and stick to one who is willing to take on the task for the fun and experience and who's in it for the long haul. Of course for paid shows, then he will definitely be compensated for as well.

I'm looking for a commited one so that I can stick with that one whether it be for local manila gigs as well as for out of towners as I plan to be busy this 2013.

Qualifications: Just someone with a heart willing to learn and someone who would be fun to hang with as well. 


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's About Time

I dunno why it took me so long but I guess it's better late than never :)

For the past days (and in the coming ones), I have started to consolidate all of my releases and I've just been uploading most of the time and tagging everything. I realized it's about time I put together my releases and start letting people know that there have been a few already over the years and I need to draw people to what was on offer before. 

So mainly, I've been loading it up heavily on my bandcamp site so everyone who plans to buy my albums and releases may also do so there. I figured it would also be easier on my end to maintain and have more focus on a site like that as a host then into my official site.

Also, I am slowly preparing my back catalog that were just once released independently, to be uploaded and released into the digital stores we all love like iTunes, Beatport, Juno, Amazon, and tons more. So expect that before the year ends, hopefully all my stuff are up on those stores. 

That's it! That's what's been happening lately. It's not much but these are the small things I failed to do before, that in reality, were the most important :/

I've also sent a proposal to get my new chillout album sponsored so help me pray for that! :)

See you in the next one.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Friday, November 2, 2012

November Update

Moving forward after a stressful work month in October, I've come to realize a lot of things... seriously. 

One thing I learned is that it's better to release the material and learn as I go than to just keep all my tunes locked up in my hard disc for literally years. That is why from now on, I shall aim to be consistent in my releases and stop being too critical of myself thinking a tune isn't good enough yet that is stays dormant until I forget about it. Believe me, I've got tons of tunes that are sleeping here :/


Anyway, I just finished a few minutes ago, sending my latest single to Deeper Manila. As some of you know, I also am part of the artist roster releasing on that label as I am in full support of our local dance labels. From now on though, I guess it'll be twice the work because I also have my own label, Trike Records, to look after. So it'll be quite a busy one on both camps. 


And in other news, while I was searching for my tunes on Beatport, I happened to find out that one of my most recent releases Hangin On is included in the Breaks and Beats Essentials Vol. 1 compilation released over on Beatport. Hope you can check it out and support the release!


I'll be making time to get back on my "artist" feet with the label and the releases in the coming weeks. Slowly but surely. I'll really make it a point to get to it now.

Hope you guys are still around :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living