Thursday, February 24, 2011

Recording Yourself

I've done recording obviously and I run a recording studio but what I've been looking into lately is recording myself remotely or simply using any type of gear to record without the need for a computer. This stems from my need to record my live sets. I welcome all suggestions as long as it's affordable :) But for now, these are what I've been looking into...

iPod - I have my ipod touch handy so I'd say it's one thing I directed my attention to initially. Unfortunately, it was harder than I thought. So far, recording my live sets are out of the question unless I buy a connector in the form of something like the iRig

Beyond the intended purpose along with its app, the iRig can be used to record line level sources like synths or whatever so I'm really looking into this. It's primarily made for use with a guitar while being able to monitor yourself with your headphones. It literally gives you thousands of dollars worth of gear all inside your app (should you decide to get hardware versions of the models included). Good thing is as mentioned earlier, it's not limited hardware-wise but you can also use various apps with it. I have to mention though that this is actually one of many products like this. I've read that there have been DIY cables of these since I'm sure it's pretty simple to make but the dedicated connector with the app seems great... and I love the colors black and yellow (notice my blog?).

BUT I don't plan to spend YET and if I wanted this, i'd have to order it abroad so it's not simply a matter of spending but the hassles of getting it shipped and all. So there goes my dilemma. 

The thing with the iPod is, you can't just get any line out off a mixer and plug it into its port. You can try but the thing is, how will you monitor the sound right? but for a recorder, I guess direct monitoring isn't that essential unless you're running a 4 track recorder app and you can find a cable connector. 

SO.... I decided to think of what I already have and that is a Mic for the iPod. I have the 2nd gen iPod so mine didn't come with the mic but the good thing is I had to seek out an external one and came across the iPill

iPill, put simply, is a mic. Easy right? Thing is, it's just useful for voice recordings but to record live concerts and such, forget it. I lost a whole audio recording of John Mayer's concert here becayse of this. There are better hardware connectors out there that have input level control. With the iPill, if you shout into it and your levels go red, then that's it... distortion. BUT don't get me wrong. It's a nifty piece of recording equipment and it looks interesting, right? I got the black and yellow one...oh we're back to those colors! hah.

Initially, I used the iPill to record a talk I did and it was perfect for that. I even just used the onboard voice recorder of the iPod but I came across this new app named Blue Fire, which is a recording app on steroids. It's an offshoot of the paid app FiRe meaning Field Recorder but the differences are very small, the free app is worth it already. If I get the iRig, I would definitely try to use this in case I wanted to record my sets but that's still up for debate in my head. 

With all things to consider, I figured, why not just get a dedicated recorder right? But most of the ones I know are pretty expensive. You can even buy a new iPod with the amount and so I came across the new releases from Tascam which are the Dr03 and the DR07. Of course, the higher the number, the better (a bit) but upon further research, it's not as clean with the signal as I'd like it to be like it's a bit "hissy" using the onboard mic's and forget about holding it while recording. Just little movement from your hands will be recorded like this noise which I'm sure most are familiar with so it's better if it's placed on a table. BUT remember my initial purpose for getting one? The line in. So I'm guessing this will be able to handle the task nicely since it doesn't need the use of the onboard mic's.

Remember, portable recorders are expensive and I'm thinking about the tascam because it's cheap. It's less than a hundred dollars for the base model whereas the other brands from Yamaha to Roland to Zoom will cause you higher than that unless you get the base model of Zoom which is roughly the same price. I just haven't found the cheap Zoom recorders locally that's why I haven't considered it yet. And the Tascam's been mentioned a couple of times in portable reviews I've read so I guess it also says something. If had the money though, I'd go with the Samson Q3HD and that's the end of everything for me but I don't have that much to spend for a recorder so I guess I'll read my blog entry again and maybe it will help me decide soon. Hope it helps you as well :)


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This really is a want more of a need. But I guess it's more 50/50? :)

VRM technology has been around quite a while but only appeared with Focusrite's higher end interfaces. Now, they just released JUST the VRM tech and housed it into a small box. 

I am sometimes called out to produce music outside the studio and since I cannot bring the whole studio with me with monitors and all, the VRM box can help because it simulates various listening environments as if you were listening through different studio monitors with models from Genelec, KRK, Auratone, and the famous Yamaha NS10! It also has other more speakers so you can cross reference your mixes among them. I am excited to try this and for a lot of musicians who cannot afford to get a lot of monitoring systems, this one can help a lot for sure. I for one will find use for it as it will "help" my mixing to an extent by having different speakers to listen to from time to time. It is also accompanied by its own software for the VRM setup.

Of course, make sure you get some decent monitoring headphones so the sound can be represented as close as possible :)

It's priced at $99 so it's really cheap I guess given the money you save if you bought the actual speakers!!!

I have to mention though, that it is not totally recommended to mix on headphones alone. I plan to get this as an additional set of pseudo speakers for my mixing and not to replace my current setup. 


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Join us at Electronica Manila! Everybody's Welcome! :)

Hello Everyone!

If you're into electronic music or simply want to support our local electronic acts, then we need you!!! :)

I'm asking for everyone's help as a group to join in and follow, like, add, and whatever you wanna do with our social networks! :)


Our Facebook fanpage - please like our page and be a fan. once we get 30 users on it, our name can be just but until then, we'll have to go with the long url :)


Our Facebook group for EM Records


Our Facebook group for EM


Our Soundcloud - I guess since it's a new account, ganito pa. it should be kasi. Follow the account nalang. I'm guessing it will enable the username in the url once there's a track uploaded? I dunno.


Our Twitter Account - please follow and share to your friends on your list :)

Thanks!!! Let's continue moving!!!


God bless!!

Cy- silverfilter

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Calling All Remixers!

As part of my upcoming release, I'd like to let you in on things so I've made the hooks and loops available for download for everyone so you're free to do your remixes!!! A number of Electronica Manila artists have committed to remixing and so why not add more right?

After you're done, upload your tracks to your soundcloud account and drop it into my dropbox! Don't forget to enable free download so I can compile everything! If you don't have a soundcloud account, please upload it into your mediafire account and send it to me so I can save it onto my account!

All the remixes will be part of the online release of the album as a free download to everyone :)

Thanks for being part of this musical journey! I'm excited to hear what you come up with!!!


There are a few more songs in the process of uploading so check back also in a week for the rest of the tune stems!

God bless!




Posted via email from silverfilter living

Groovebox Much?

I got into playing live electronic music via the venerable "groovebox" and I must say It's been one of the best things that's happened to me. 

I started with a Roland MC307. I learned a lot (and played a lot) with it. Unfortunately, it doesn't see any action these days because of dirty contacts which akes the buttons hard to push. I need to get it fixed I guess unless I feel like I can open it up (gulp). 

Later on, I got my hands on a full set of Electribe MK1's. The ER, EA, the ES, and the EM1. Those rocked. It added a whole new sound for my setup with the Roland and struck a balance between the 2 brands since they have their own distinctive sound. Unfortunately, I had to let go of all of them. 

I then started dabbling in using software with hardware controllers but not too long after that, I got my hands on a pair of the newer Electribes: the ESX and the EMX. They were awesome machines but with the ease of software and the computer, I felt like I worked quicker on it and could get the sounds I want rather than with the electribes. Don't get me wrong, the tribes can deliever. You can even load your own sounds into the ESX. But with all the things I do, music is my job so I don't have the luxury to be loading stuff into the sampler from time to time so I had to let them go. 

Fast forward to today and I'm surprised at what's out there. hardware may have taken a step back but there's a lot to look forward to. 

These days, I use a modern day groovebox powered by the computer called the Maschine by Native Instruments. It's an awesome machine and it's really worth it if you're into the same thing. 

But beyond what I've tried out, I of course can't deny that there are a lot more I want to try. 

There's the latest Arturia Spark which is more drum machine centered and looks like one of those old roland grooveboxes in a way. I won't mention the features since there are a lot to be found by doing a google search but I just want to mention things that have grabbed my attention. 

Another one that I can only "dream of" is the latest called Rhizome from French company Feeltune. If this isn't enough to make you drool, I don't know what will hehe

It seems to be a computer slash groovebox. The unit itself IS the groovebox and the computer! It has some nice color displays, 102 controllers, has its onboard VSTs, and can even load up external VSTs!!! It looks sweet and with a price of 3000 Euros, it should be!

More at

For now, I'm happy with my current setup which I should just learn and dive into a bit more...


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Monday, February 21, 2011

Electronica Manila Records (for members only)

Hello Everyone!


In line with the vision of EM pushing electronic music forward locally, I found it in myself to take things to the next level by establishing EM Records. This is so I can help local artists further not just through the list with the discussions but to actually get their music out there. The purpose of the label is so we can have a centralized label for the artists that when people think of the Electronic Music in the Philippines, they can easily connect EM Records to it. I wish to help anyone who has always wanted to release something at least take that first step in at least approaching someone they know and are at home with. We are practically family here... that's where EM Records as a label comes in.  :) 

The label also coincides with the physical release of the Electronica Manila CD out this summer :) This was the one planned years ago hehe By then, we'll both release the CD and the digital version to make the launch big. If all goes to plan we're aiming for a big launch as well as an Electronic Festival so that we can make a mark. 

I believe a lot of us are tired of letting all our tunes sleep inside our machines and our hard drives without knowing if we'll ever get them out. I wish to end that and make that change for everybody who wants to be part of it.

This will be global distribution to all the major digital stores from Itunes to Beatport! (but I must mention that some stores "filter" submissions if it fits their store so better that I mention it this early).


Now as a little guide...


- Prepare your tunes well.

- Aim for an EP as a first release to make an impact. Better if it's an album. I encourage you to go for these than a single track so people can have a grasp on what you sound like. 

- If you have a soundcloud account, you can drop it in my dropbox. If you don't have one, open an account there. I will also require this anyway to all the artists under the label for your promotions.

- Please prepare a NICE artist photo complete with artist write up. Please please make a decent one. I'm sure we all have photographer friends who are willing to help us with even one good photo. Ask someone to write your profile if you don't know what to do. There's also a good resource on google "write band profile" and you'll find a lot of links there.

- Please mix and master the tracks nicely if possible. If you don't know how to, there are a lot of tutorials for "basic" mixing and mastering. If you'd rather have someone do it for you, you can contact me since I offer it as a service or you can also go with all the other mixing and mastering services out there.  

- Submission and compiling of all the materials per artist will be end of 3rd week of March

- We launch everything in May

- Feel free to contact me for any question :)

If you're interested, please feel free to drop tunes to the EM Records dropbox


At this point, I'm cooking everything still. Please be patient as it takes time to get things this big together. In the meantime, just make those tunes!




God bless!




Cyril - silverfilter

Posted via email from silverfilter living


I set aside my tech ramblings as I need to write this down because my emotions cannot handle what's happening...

I love dogs. And I'm sure a lot of the people who really know me know that. So it's saddening that one dog that I love is very very sick. 

Mallows is the dog of Bernice's sister but of course it's collectively their family dog and I am saddened with her condition. Her mom says she's suffering from Parvo and upon further research via google, it seems she is :( I can't honestly take looking at her in her condition when she was that one dog that reminds me of that time I was courting Bernice because she's the dog inside their house and it took some time for her to get to know me but we became very close. More than four years down the line, I'm married to Bernice and she made it. But it is with a heavy heart that I write this because it looks bad and coupled with her old age, I'm afraid of what may happen. I tried looking at her but I find myself holding back the tears because of who she is to my wife and how much love that dog had shared with their family and to me as well over the years. They're not bringing her anymore to the vet in her condition as she is critical already and at this point, they're now concerned with protecting the remaining 2 dogs from the virus. It's sad that they're feeling hopeless at this point and all I can do now is pray. 

Should the time come, I'd like to believe there is a dog heaven and I'm sure my sister swings by that part of heaven once in a while since she loves dogs as well. I'd tell her to wait for Mallows and adopt her to take home to the mansion God gave her, and give Mallows a nice little dog house with 2 cement columns because Mallows loves that.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Headphones

My first professional pair of headphones was a pair of Pioneer HDJ500s. I loved those but over the years and constant use, the foam and body wore out and it's not comfortable to wear or even look at anymore.

I then upgraded to a pair of HDJ1000s. I don't know if it's just me but I liked the sound of the 500s more. they say coz those are made in Japan. I don't know the real reason. And mine broke when I accidentally packed it quickly after a show. I still use it to this day and I just superglued it. I actually have a backup pair, which I got as a gift from my girlfriend then (wife today).

My other headphones now are a pair of Rolands that I got free from buying my electric drums and a pair of Samsons which I got for the recording room for use of singers. 

My favorite though are my Sennheiser HD25-1 II headphones. I got it coz of the great reviews it was getting. I read that not only is it a great pair of cans for DJing but it's awesome for the studio as well. It's a bit expensive from your typical pair of headphones but it's worth it. I've been using it for a while already and the reviews are true ladies and gentlemen. I love it for mixing tunes! It's a great pair for reference monitoring and a great alternative for your studio monitor speakers. The sound is very detailed and the good thing with headphones is that you can really hear the smallest details and that's where I feel that my purchase has been worth it. Another thing i noticed is even with prolonged use, it doesn't hurt on the ears unlike my Pioneers which hurts the ears after a while. 

If you're into great sound, I'd highly recommend the Senn's. Please don't tell me about Beats. It's overhyped and I don't plan on getting a pair. I love my Sennheisers. If I had the money to get Beats, I'd just get another pair of the HD25s!

Oh yeah, and I got it coz Richie Hawtin uses it hahaha


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From Foreign Record Labels to My Record Label...

I woke up to bad news today unrelated to my music but it was one of the biggest blows I've had so far... so it's interesting to see how things get reversed in other ways.

As followers of my accounts either from Twitter or facebook, know that I've sent out my tunes to labels abroad. I also wrote a short tutorial a few days ago. You may want to check that out if you plan to send your music out.

Anyway, it's been more than a week since I've blasted out my tunes to rest of the world and I'm glad that I got some replies. I think it's been 4-5 so far from the 50 labels I sent out to. I'm just glad someone cared to listen, much more to write back even if it was a "not interested" reply. Nobody replied that don't worry. Don't be scared as well if you do send out your stuff. I think from the 4, I got 3 declines which was written differently like "it's not the sound we're after", "we're not signing anyone right now", and simply "thanks for sending your tunes!" It may be not as direct turning me down but they've been kind enough to also comment on how they enjoyed my tune/submission. Label owners who care to write back are good folks so I enjoyed reading their replies even if it wasn't positive.

One label however said yes and decided to sign one of the tracks I sent. It took me a day to think about it because I was weighing out if I should wait for the other lables to get back to me regarding their word on my submissions. I am happy to say I decided to say yes and began correspondence with them. 

This whole sending out music activity of mine led me to think about why not put up my own label. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I just thought of it now. Duh! I actually thought of it yeaaars back but never followed through. Years back, it was more costly and difficult so i guess it's also just timing. I figured, I've got tons of music resting in my computer and I think it's time they get released properly. So now I'm working on sorting out my releases as well as putting up the label. It's initially a dance label but I'm thinking of expanding later on. I'm currently in communication with the distirbutor which will make the tunes available worldwide as well as fixing the website for it. I just got the GO signal today from the distributor that I was eligible to become one of their labels. And of course, i'd be looking for artists to fill the roster eventually so let's see where this goes.

Now while reading the entry, didn't the mood shift as well from something negative to positive?

That was my day. 


Posted via email from silverfilter living

The Power of a Dot (.) For Your Gmail Account

Perhaps some of you may be aware of this but I'm pretty sure more aren't so I'm sure you'll enjoy this entry and will prove useful...


Did you know that you can use a dot in your email account, put it anywhere, and still get it in your inbox?

So for example you have the address originally as, then you can use or or wherever you want to put the dot, and still end up receiving all emails to those addresses into your original account. 

You may be thinking, why the heck would I want to do that?

Well, this is where the fun starts...

Say for example you join a particular site and for this example, I'll use twitter. 

If I want to have 3 accounts for twitter like one for my personal life, another related to work, and the other related to promoting my band, I can use 3 variations of the same email using the dots to apply for those 3 accounts and get updated for everything all in one email add! It simply just makes things easier for getting updated on activities on our particular accounts because it doesn't matter how many we make, we can monitor all of them via a central hub which is the original email address :)

So there, I hope that helped you out sort your other social networks. I know how hard it is to log off then log on between email addresses just because we used a different email add for another network and this solves that issue :)

Enjoy the freedom!



Posted via email from silverfilter living

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Adding More To The Blog

Hi guys and gals! 


just wanted to share that I'm adding more to my blog by doing more posts on music/tech related stuff, tutorials, etc so if you feel like subscribing, please do so :)


And to avoid people having to sign up for anything, I'm making it easier by having my posts appear on almost all of the networks so you can feel free to choose where you want to read it :) - my main blog - blogspot/blogger accounts - Multiply (is anybody still here?) - Facebook (of course) - twitter


I do hope you enjoy my posts and learn from it! If you feel like replying or posting back, feel free to do so. It won't hurt to show your appreciation to us writers especially since we don't earn from it hehehe we need it once in a while so we know we're actually reaching someone haha :)


God bless!



Posted via email from silverfilter living

More Reasons To Get An iPad... Air Display

For some users, a 2nd monitor is vital for the way we work or sometimes, just for the heck of it. In comes Air Display. 

What air display does is it makes your iPad act as a 2nd monitor to your Mac. 

Of course, I won't be just posting some videos. I'd also like to share some of my thoughts. 

You'll see later in the videos that it acts a bit sluggish but depending on your intended use, I think it's a pretty nifty application that adds more functionality to your iPad than just using it to surf hehe The beauty on top of this is that it not only gives you a 2nd monitor but you can actually touch your computer programs!

For me, I'm looking at it more for music making. Imagine using it with Reason or Record like drag my Reason window into it and actually "touch" my ReDrum and create beats using the XOX without the mouse! But I'm really looking forward to using it with Record's mixer. I plan to use mine portrait style and have my Record mixer beside me so I can tweak with my fingers. It sounds fun! :) So I guess by now, part of the video's loaded so watch it first.

This is the main reason for me :)


but for general use, here's a quick demo I saw online


ok done watching?

If you're an electronic musician, read on!

I find this as a cheap alternative against dedicated wireless midi controller apps like TouchOSC etc. It may not be as quick or responsive I'm guessing but I'm hoping it may get the work done. Try it out if you can. I believe it's $10 only so if you still decide to get a dedicated midi controller app, you'd still have air display ready for 2nd monitor duties :)



Posted via email from silverfilter living

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Finally, God's been able to get me to focus and I'm glad He did. 

So what have I been doing with this so called focus?

I'm finally finishing the Lovecore album... FINALLY! So lately, I've been just reloading and renaming everything since I changed recording DAWs since the Lovecore album was recorded via protools for drums then processed into Mackie Tracktion along with the guitars and since I moved to Mac, I'm now reprocessing everything thru Logic since some of the plugs I used can be used there. Personally, I'd be happy with Record but with everything that we did, it's too hard to port it into Record at this point. All the rest of my albums are all Record but for now, I SHOULD live with the difficulties. It's all good though. 

At this point, we're reprogramming all the guitar settings and I'll polish the drums once more using Logic plugs. Then we're off to record and finalize all the remaining vocals. I really hope I could finish and release the album come summer...

Here's to a rockin 2011. I can't wait to get this album off the ground and into your ears!


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Guide To Sending Out To Record Labels

pic source

After 10 years, I found my rhythm and sent my tunes to record labels. I decided I'd focus first on a particular style since I do a couple and just direct particular labels focused on just that. 

With that in mind, I got to it. Computer turned on with broadband, I sent away. The first day, I sent out to 30 labels. then I believe 4-5 days later, I added 20 more so all in all, I sent out to 50 labels. Now I don't know the statistics but I am hoping that among all the 50, one would say yes and that's all I need really. 

I actually received some word already but i'll get to that later. I'll just share my experience first and how I sent mine to those of you hoping to send yours out too. I don't want to wait till I get signed before anyone else gets these reminders. Some might be pretty obvious but some are easy to forget so here I am...

1. Decide on a style - I'm not saying decide on a fixed one permanently. But for the purpose of submitting, it helps to be more focused. In my case, I decided I'll be sending out my breakbeat tunes. This helps me in narrowing down later on which labels to send out to. 

2. Make your best track - really obvious but sometimes neglected. Make sure you're 110% in love with your tune. If you feel you're not there yet, take the time to polish it. If it doesn't make you move, make another one. Remember, you get one shot at this... ok maybe 2. But the point is, you need to send out your very best since your purpose in the first place is to get signed! :)

3. Render and Label - After making your track, mixing and mastering, go and render it to wav or aif and onto mp3 320kbps for the best possible quality. Don't forget to fill up the id3 tags! Very important! Don't forget to ALWAYS include your artist name, contact details, website, other social networking accounts. 

4. MP3 or Soundcloud? - Now since we talked about labelling previously, it's understood that you already had it in mp3. Keep your mp3 file handy as some labels would want you to upload it direct on their site. But these days, most labels have soundcloud accounts that have dropboxes for demos.

5. Google Is Your Friend - Now google for the label names. Be specific then broad on your search queries. You can use "(style) labels" be creative and you'll get those names!

6. Email AND Soundcloud - Initially, I bombarded soundcloud accounts but I noticed that some labels even specify that if you're really serious about sending them demos, then email them directly because it's been so easy to submit over soundcloud that they get thousands of tunes a week. I'd suggest doing both submit by email and soundcloud. What I did was I just included a link to my soundcloud tunes for the ones I'm submitting. DON'T ever attach your mp3. Labels hate that. Just send them a link where they can stream your tune, thus, Soundcloud. The free account is more than enough for sending out demos. 

7. Wait - Don't bug them about your demo. Once it's sent then they got it for sure. Just be patient. It has its rewards :)

8. Additional Notes - I've read that if you get turned down, feel free to send them an email back perhaps asking if they can tap you for remixes instead in the future or perhaps ask if you can submit more tunes for consideration. 

I do hope these will help you when sending yours out. Good luck and always hope for the best!!!

Now before I end this, I shall tell you the replies I got...

So far I got two replies, which unfortunately says my tunes were great but not the sound they're after. I guess it's a milder way of saying 'no' but the other one was asking for other tracks so let's see. 

I may not have received the Yes I was hoping for but it's only been less than a week. I'm just glad 2 labels cared to listen to my submissions and respond to it since a lot of the labels wouldn't even take the time to do so. Not because they're snobs or cruel but just because they get probably thousands of demos in a month or maybe in a week that they can't respond to all of them. So take it easy, be patient, and enjoy the wait. Make more tunes while waiting or you can repeat the process for another style this time. It's really up to you. Just enjoy the ride!


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ipad, Ipod, Midi, thoughts...

Anybody familiar with the ipod and ipad "enough" knows that it is waaay beyond how people see it. I know a lot of people who wouldn't want to get into it just because they see it as a toy. Some people just feel it's a very simplified notebook computer. To some extent, it is true but for us musicians, it is one of the greatest developments in music technology and things are just getting better. 

For this entry, I won't be talking about the thousands of apps out there for music but something more hardware related. 

If you own an ipad, you'd love this:

and if you own an ipad, you'll love this:

drooling yet?

Now before you check your wallet, let me wipe off your drooling and perhaps save you some money...

The moment I saw this, it was immediately on my wishlist. Thing is, I already have a couple of midi controllers in the studio. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have this but should I spend a decent amount of cash just to get something redundant for the studio just because it's for the ipad/ipod? Answer is NO. 

With the upcoming iOS update which will enable MIDI, these photos I posted may not be as desirable in the long run because you can still use what you have. With the camera connector, USB is the way to go. 

BUT if you don't have a controller yet, these are really nice pieces since your ipad/ipod can sit nicely on top of your controller and has a place for it. 

The Akai controller for the ipad reminds me of those old analog synths and if you run your iMS20 on it, I'm sure it'll look really sexy! With tons of music synth apps for the ipadm this controller sees a long future ahead of it!

Downside to the camera connector option I've read is that it only connects to ipad so us ipod users won't be able to enjoy midi via hardware via its connector so getting the 25 key controller would be a viable option. 




Additional lightbulb moments....

suddenly, it seems I'd want this more if it would do this thing I was thinking of...

since the 49 key controller CAN act as a basic keyboard controller via USB to any software on your computer, I was thinking if it would also transmit midi from the Ipad app into the Akai and into our computer. That would be dope!!! That way, I can have a lemur type controller on my ipad while having the hardware keys! SICK!!!

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Monday, February 7, 2011

Becaue I ran out of things to write, here's John Mayer...

I didn't know what to write today. My mind was blank at the same time filled with millions of ideas to write about... maybe coz of so much of it, it turned into a blur and a blank... 

So I thought, what does John Mayer write in his blog. I remember more than a year back, he was very active in his blog. So I visited his site... It hasn't been updated for almost half a year already but here's what was left of it for now...


Thank you all so much for making the Battle Studies tour such a huge success and a pleasure. I’m going to miss seeing your faces every night. Thanks for singing along. And for accepting me. You don’t know how good that feels. And thanks for the signs, the clever, funny, awesome signs. And for letting me play both my pop radio hits and a 15 minute long jam while giving it the same level of appreciation. Thanks for buying a ticket when money is tight, for waiting in traffic to both enter and leave the venue, and thank you for telling your dubious friends to come with you and see what this “Mayer” guy is all about. Thank you for being fans and thank you for giving me the awesome life I have. 


Time to (try to) disappear for a while. Love you guys. A lot.


I was there during the concert and as mushy as it sounds, his entry somehow spoke to me and I'm sure to everyone who was there. It brought me back to that night and the whole experience despite the rain. His thank you was written well and I especially liked the part about the pop tunes and his jam being given the same level of appreciation because as a huge fan, I know that a lot of people just know him coz of his pop stuff but fail to appreciate his blues side, which I like more. He also thanked the people for getting a ticket even if money's tight... because it was for me... and to think that the cost of the ticket for the Philippine concert was I heard the highest ever, it really was something.

And so there we are... reminiscing about that night. 

Man, I miss my strat.




Posted via email from silverfilter living

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I was never a fan of yogurt. Really.  My mom even reminded me how my grandfather always had stocks of yogurt fresh from the store whenever we'd visit them in the province. That's why it was surprising to me when it exploded here in the Philippines. I remember it being sour back when I was a kid and from that time, I never bothered eating it.This is why I wondered why all of a sudden it picked up here... after more than a decade.


Fast forward to today with all the White Hats, California Berries, Red Mangoes and more, we're now in this age of yogurts.

But I could never escape it as some of my friends, along with my wife, are into it so whenever they'd crave for it, we're there. As years passed, I decided to give it another shot. Lo and behold, I still don't like the taste of it. Much more that I have to pay relatively big money for a scoop or whatever their serving's called. I'd rather get a cup of Sebastians! hehe

So all my friends accepted that I would never order whenever we're at a yogurt place.

One day however, they told me to visit Fruity Froyo. It was a trip how they were all into getting me to try it. They were insisting that this one I would like because their chocolate yogurt doesn't taste like yogurt. So one day, with God's hand moving in my life, someone treated us to Fruity Froyo! Now, I had no excuse coz I didn't want to spend to try out something I knew I didn't like in the first place. But to tell you the truth, I was surprised. I loved it. Their chocolate yogurt tastes like dark chocolate ice cream which is a good thing for me. And with all the toppings there, you'd go crazy. Now it's the ONLY yogurt place I frequent and nothing else. I have to give props to the place who made me eat yogurt and a plus that it's really delicious...

Now I can say I'm one of those yogurt people. Just those sold at Fruity Froyo hehe


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is the song that made it to the RPG Metanoia movie: Ako Ang Bayani


As stated in the title, this is the song I wrote that made it to the soundtrack of RPG Metanoia last December. The movie version was sung by Jett Pangan and this one is the pre-album version... Of course, this is so you'd buy the album for the rockin final version hehe

And just to add to the post, here's a live version of it!

Original -

With Jett -

Enjoy! :)

I'm currently finishing The Silverfilter album so I hope you can also support this band project of mine! Thanks a lot!

God bless


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Stop Looking At Your Music...

In this day and age, a lot or most musicians use a computer one way or another while writing or composing. This is an accepted fact. However, we sometimes find ourselves being confined in that way of writing music most especially electronic artists who work solely with computers. Eventually, we somehow how our music should "look" but remember that at the end of the day, always let your ears decide. We may sometimes want our music to follow a certain pattern or look/build up for the track we're writing but from time to time, turn off your monitor, minimize your program, or simply just turn away and let the music play out before you decide to make changes. Always make sure to get that perspective. As much as we'd like to stick to what we're used to... which is "seeing" our music, in the end, we're still after getting LISTENERS to enjoy our track and not VIEWERS.


Posted via email from silverfilter living

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hey guys and gals,

I don't share tunes that much coz I don't upload that much haha

But I was so inspired coming from a long time of not making any tunes that I
finished this in less than a day hahaha




 <span>Miyu by silverfilter</span> 

Posted via email from silverfilter living

Taking Breaks and Changing Locations...

As some of you know, I recently just got married (hooray!) and a lot of my time for the past year was mostly for preparation. It actually ate up all of my time that I wasn't able to make any new tracks unless of course those required for work. My usual tracks that I get to do in my free time was put aside and I missed making tunes. 

Fast forward to today, the wedding's done over a week ago and we've finally finished all the paperwork.I finally FOUND time to make music. 

Thing is, I guess I also needed the break. The moment I sat down in front of my workstation, I was immediately writing away. It was a great feeling to be back making music and music for my silverfilter project and not for anybody else. 

We sometimes find ourselves experiencing writers block when all we had to do was take a break. I know it's pretty obvious but sometimes we tend to forget especially when we try to focus too much on setting a goal to finish something. Oftentimes, we find ourselves just going in circles. Take a break. You'll be refreshed once you get back. 

One other thing is that when I wrote my new track, I wasn't in my studio. I was at my in laws' place. Sometimes it's also "inspirational" to be outside your comfort zone and in some other place where there's a change of atmosphere and basically everything around you is different. There's a certain "feel" or "thinking" that you'll find yourself in. It may not be in your in laws' place, but it may be at the park, a coffee shop, anywhere. Try it, you might like it :)

Enjoy your music making...


Posted via email from silverfilter living