Oh Lucena trip... where do I start? haha
As you've read in a previous entry, I was asked to play at the Edge Radio Lucena 4th anniversary party. I moved my sched to make it and hoped that it would be the perfect vacation after 2 whole months of being tied up with work. It turned out to be an adventure...
We got picked up at 9:00 but I arrived a bit late and we got to leave at 9:30. We picked up one of their Manila DJs and we were off before 10. We were told it was supposed to be a 2-4 hour trip (I dunno why the "to" had a large gap of 2 hours maybe traffic). Anyway, SLEX went fine until we got off it. The service vehicle that we were in bogged down due to overheating. We stopped at a gas station to refill. I thought it just lacked water. Little did I know it was the start of the surprise hehe a few minutes later, the temp gauge went up again. We had to make another stop. This time, it was longer. way longer. After that, we were off again but as usual the temp gauge... well, you know. So we stopped again at a gas station. Good thing it had a huge Select store and cold aircon. We waited in comfort... for a long time... Then once again, we were off. So if you were counting, we already have 3 hehe At this point, the wagon was chugging along as its spark plug already gave out. Then once we hit another shell station. That was it. I myself hate the rockstar attitude but I guess at that point, my concerns were already valid. We've chugged along with no aircon and were on our 4th stop so I really was concerned. To make a long story short, we were then asked to take the bus. Yes. A bus... on my way to a gig. Now, I don't mind taking one given the circumstances however, it really wasn't what I had in mind coz of one reason... I had a ton to carry with all the gear I brought along. Anyway, I had no choice. With all my gear, I sat there in the bus with my both my thighs numb from having 2 huge bags on my legs coz I couldn't place it on a seat since it was full. GREAT. And this went on for more than an hour.
We got dropped off the terminal and walked under the scorching heat just to get to a Jollibee. We had a quick meal and then... ta-dah! a jeepney ride that got stuck in traffic for more than an hour for a distance of less than 3/4 of a km.
9:30... departure. We arrived at our condotel 8 hrs later. 8 hrs. I can't stop saying it... 8 hrs.
Anyway, the accommodation was top notch in the area and the food was great. But as much as it was great, it got balanced out early on by that adventure. First few hours of my vacation, I get more stressed than ever... HEHE..he...he..h... (stops laughin)
More about the 2-day adventure tomorrow...